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Log of Complaints

Updated: Sep 26

I have actually been tortured. An offer of legal asylum would have to be taken seriously. Because of the nature of the crime, I think it should be accommodated. I sent a complaint to the UN, they would not even respond. I sent one to the ECHR and later I sent this letter: 'I sent a question yesterday 28/2/20 about a form I have posted to you. I received a letter this morning 29/2/20 from yourselves. I have not read it yet. No assistance was offered.

I don't really understand the logic, but they are using a talking bird, and dog sometimes. Unless it is to pretend there is no high-pitched noise or something. Email a request about water services, immediately a man comes running round doing this dog training thing. Some of them have even started bowing their heads again. 27/7/20 They are satanic. It is a cheap thing to run a background programme and I personally believe it is one of the reasons for covid. 1/8/20 Another 24 hours of chanting. 5/8/20 Extreme offence and profanity.

4/7/20: Strangest thing, protest outside a chemists shop. Row of protestors at the pavement kerb, with a banner pointing inwards, to a row of protestors at the shop wall. Even 2 police to monitor it. I was only walking past by chance. The road plus the traffic on it.

1/8/20 Snooker introduction and indication that looking down on a lady running beside me is an offence. If you can imagine the brain damage, you get some idea about the level of religious offence even, not just the physical damage.

26/8/20 Water has been switched off to my flat and of course, my email does not send outgoing emails. I have been given some numbers and asked to seek a private solution.

29/8/20 Thank you for the gesture. I cannot begin to tell you the possible horror of Nato if it is true, but it probably goes back to Mr. Robertson.

5/9/20 Some guy was a suspected pead or something and the police were using the mainstream news site to report he went outside, in real time.

9/9/20 'Our democracy'

14/9/20 Unfortunately, the only interest here is the explicit noises.

20/9/20 Using peadophile as part of the recovery will not only remove your souls, but it will also lead to a worse world. And that's precisely what we're looking at.

25/9/20 If you start hearing poor voices in the background with disturbing messages, then if authority turns up to support them, if you know what I mean.

26/9/20 Walk into town and back and I'm drenched in sweat.

26/9/20 People do count numbers now, extremeism, radicalisation, Goebels. But by choice.

1/10/20 Three in stock, get to store, can't find any. Get met with 'we know your mind'. Also I**. Grandparents waiting by car to say something about N***.

8/10/20 Having turned faith upside-down at the launch.

10/10/20 Denounce the evil.

12/10/20 Partially deaf at the moment, air pressure around my ear. Fitness is good.

14/10/20 Proud Boys and QAnon and still a debate? Why are you sadistic, why do you torture people, why has printing money won, which side are you from, why no s**t about 4th demon, I don't even know that much.

15/10/20 Bank has added an illegal charge and you like to use the word 'handy' with it. Is that the Russians or the Chinese?

16/10/20 Understand you're not responsible for it, but I think you have to speak out about the abuse programme here. Wouldn't be accepted. Also ask why HR won't recognise it.

31/10/20 Lady runs along and pushes her kid in front and states 'you have a dirty mind'. Then standing in queue man is allowed to walk up in front of everybody and do a hand gesture, nobody else seems to notice. Then cashier states 'see you later'.

3/11/20 Another 5-10 deaths in Europe.

6/11/20 The poor people are very skilled at aggrivated language.

6/11/20 Doing it again, just bringing bin in - VEZ6481.

16/11/20 Crowding of someone followed by these sorts of associations. I understand it is a well-known technique. Have to expel it sometimes.

18/11/20 3.30 a.m. fireworks?

28/11/20 The music was playing the bible backwards and stuff. Lucifer.

30/11/20 After the propaganda, extreme noise intrusion from 11.15.

2/12/20 High pitched noise tonight.

3/12/20 If interested and have any belief, serious human rights offences.

10/12/20 BBC News 5.00, trying to explain 'still huge gaps'. Look at his head wack.

16/12/20 BBC News 6.00, thank you for that support. Chief medical officer would not speak out about the abuse, I am sure he understands how bad it is. Instead says about 'should not do' something. But we're philosophising about head injuries as well now.

5/1/20 Walking past store, DJ giving story about multi-million pound house in Surrey with a spa in it. 'Who would want a spa in your house?'. Problem is, next story is about social justice.

20/1/21 Somebody is screaming at the moment, but I think somebody else is coaching it.

6/2/21 High-pitched noise all day.

15/2/21 If you could help get rid of the atrocity, then that might help to improve the reality as well.

28/2/21 Imagine torturing a cat on a Sunday. That's really sick.

5/3/21 Been asked by my line manager if I am unwell - no the online app did not work. Then sent email from HR - we assume you are a catholic, we hope you can respond. Bit of a traditional statistic.

19/3/21 I don't think the human race has done it before. It would definitely be god's work to move the gentleman from that environment.

23/3/21 Well over 12 hours of noise, then the publishing has been held back.

26/3/21 You only ever have to add your details once. In order to get paid, log-in and add a valid bank account.

1/4/21 Even though it is publically known, they are asking for witnesses.

10/021 It causes partial deafness now. The government is thinking about it. Oh Hi, yeah, I'm a republican. Is it? I'm just here to collect the census.

1/5/21 As I get in my car the city council man gets in his van, as I reverse he reverses in my mirror, as I drive onto the road, he takes a different route and cuts in front. Then rest of trip to dump is clear.

2/5/21 'NSA officier's case hints at microwave attacks since the 90's'. I've been sent magazines from the IEEE Microwave Society.

23/6/21 So the species is now at a level where the TV is actively being used.

1/7/21 Google play, the paid version should be 1 GBP.

4/7/21 Songs of Praise even, for any religious people out there.

16/7/21 The last 3 cars have had slow flat tyres and they make dodgy driving licence decisions and you would not be able to find the legal form on the web site and you would be insulted if you asked about that.

19/7/21 She's just so completely evil, has 4 or 5 friends say something first, sort of timing it, pushes her tooth up her mounth or nose, or whatever it is.

24/7/21 It's just I keep passing out from the brain washing.

27/7/21 Even the police service have gathered to claim they are part of the abuse. Somebody was insulted or something.

31/7/21 Tear in time-space conituum, dark forces came through, have to be rejected?

6/8/21 Tesco, I have to ask permission to use my bags. My card payment is processed twice, I have to chrck and now ring them to correct. Jew word - Protestant. What was your court created for?

10/8/21 Wrote to the UN. 3 years later got email saying it was discussed at a meeting even, but did not find anything wrong? I think the UN only likes big things.

11/8/21 Rang 15 times, 8.30 to 11.00, phone was cut off. Then ansered, call at exacty 8.30 tomorrow.

14/8/21 If this noise programme was being run it could definitely be a reason.

19/8/21 New tyre, omly 1 month old, now flat. And my poor cat is distressed tonight.

25/8/21 Somebody wants your opinion.

3/9/21 I have a human rights complaint. Couple with their child, dark on the way up, paed on the way back, hotel was loon something. Plus others.

8/9/21 I'm sure it will cost another degree.

24/9/21 The Dali Lama talks about a lady Dali Lama. Does he know about this lady and her friends? For responding appropriately.

26/8/21 Speaking politely caused aggrivation through the most normal of channels, to the point of refusal or even assault, coupled with the perversion of the other society.

10/10/21 I think that the natural process would get rid of all of the abuse and everything.

18/10/21 High-pitched noise causing migrane and somebody talking in a high voice. So that is the perspective here and what they are witnessing.

28/10/21 Tesco is back. 5 names including the intercom. So the lobby group is creating that again.

5/12/21 I had the ME and then some hospital time, so I came out of that pretty much a vegetable. So it was painful when I had to start thinking again, I had to learn that all over again. My memory was very poor, so I had to learn something several times before I would remember it. So now I have a technical ability to work through something, even if it is depressing or painful. But you need to get some positivity as well. You should not notice going for a walk, it is only if you never go for a walk that you notice it.

18/12/21 MD66 BBJ speeds across the fly-pass like myself, then changes lanes and parks itself. OK, time to slow and stop, but then drives off again.

26/12/21 Walked 10 yards and a car arrived to drive over me.

20/1/22 This damning thing again, even directing his kid, peadophile or something.

4/2/22 Driven his van in so somebody can shout abuse in real time.

16/2/22 Did an email act, within seconds marched next door. Huge scraping noises, anti-religious statements.

15/3/22 The lady is being honest. Babylon is obvious. We now have grinning bishops and laughing authorities. After the 'reconciliation' there was a list of descendents, or is that the number of required evolutions?

2/5/22 Even the military are promoting abuse now. I would guess a split in the species.

12/5/22 Survey. They have then decided to open my back gate and steal a bench.

19/5/22 Interject. Tesco is used a lot. Including the psychology discussion.

13/7/22 This was clear 20 - 30 years ago, is it in the bible? Skin disease from the oppression. Termites eating at a border before it falls into the sea. I thought it was NI, but maybe it is somewhere else.

15/7/22 One story from Burma today and ac from Burma yesterday!

6/8/22 Hearing loss.

20/9/22 Dear Twitter, I hope you read this. I understand the accusers are in jail, but those practices are taking place. But I don't know if the small town would be a satire or ape of something larger than that.

16/11/22 Blocked from IEEE online webinars now.

5/1/23 Character, what if he gets sick?

16/1/23 Two ladies standing at the top of the stairs. I wait for them to go down, but they stop and start having a conversation. I go up the stairs and they start to go down. One may have taken a photograph on the way down. I am using the rowing maching and someone starts throwing a medicine ball against the wall. As soon as I get up he is trying to push through with his medicine ball. You can see him wait and move as I get up. Last week somebody was waiting on a running machine to talk quietly to his phone. 'Everybody knows you're this or that'. I had to go over and complain to him.

9/2/23 When they ran around in klu-klux outfits infront of the camera. Its also confidential.

12/2/23 N, P, J, P, ...

5/4/23 Moorlands and bears/salmon sort of thing.

10/4/23 9.30 In a shop and DJ brings people on to call me a pervert. 2 cars waiting outside to block when I am leaving. Surely there is a historical context to this. That girl got shot and they would not care. Made a programme or something.

9/5/23 They're helping the IRA out because the IRA are 'under pressure'. Your government supports abusive programmes and antichrist.

5/5/23 Some sort of blocking policy. Last 3 calls to GP, last 2 to dentist and 2 for utility service. Simply put back on hold. If you have any influence with human rights, because they don't recognise these types of complaint.

11/6/23 Walked out the door without my sports bag. LFZ 7779, FT6 2VTN.

29/6/23 I know its the Nazi thing to do more, but they have flooded the environment. Simply insluted by 10 - 20 people, including the security guard. Conservatively dressed people - Oh how are you - then explicit insults. They have 20 - 30 statements now. I am working part-time, but I will have to resign that for religous reasons. I have written to several human rights - they have a duty to help.

3/8/23 May I please have some food waste bags. Irish terrorists and they don't give out food waste bags. Formal complaint means I have to fill forms in.

6/9/23 Statistically.

21/9/23 Words were used in the speech, the paper is still not published. I don't think this policy is going to save the planet.

2/10/23 Solutions need to be found.

8/10/23 Are you supposed to write it all down? One of those emails met with a slamming door.

19/10/23 I would say the whole human race needs a good reason to build a better bomb.

29/10/23 The immediate concern is of course the systematic persecution, which does not require AI.

4/11/23 Regardless of the sanction, the noise is continuing.

5/11/23 Not very difficult to undermine the state.

10/11/23 He was told to change his traiff and he refused to.

19/11/23 That is terrible.

1/12/23 Oh, lost at marbles after blowing the planet up. Heck of a future shock there.

3/12/23 Indian or middle-eastern or something. In a white van, but get taxis as well. Hired to wait outside. So I go out because of an accident at the back and he drives up and waits, phone to ear as I walk past and shouts something.


9/12/23 Very evil. There is no status quo.

17/12/23 The hygenist complained that I had a lot of tartar and that she was giving treatment instead of a clean. I was charged 10 pounds more for that and the treatment was stopped after 1/2 hour. But this was sent minutes after a comment, on a Sunday? But the name of the dentist practice is David Montgomery.

24/12/23 Left to be blown everywhere.

30/12/23 Every other link on this page is safe, but find a dentist is flagged as suspicious.

4/1/23 Now writing whac-a-mole.

4/1/24 This is a street preacher - a story in the bible about somebody who was posessed with demons - had a spiritual sickness. But he only wanted to shout shut-up.

4/1/24 Dental Complaints Service

The DCS can look into concerns raised within a year of treatment or within a year of when the patient realised they had a problem.

Unfortunately the DCS are unable to assist with the concern you raise as it is outside our remit as set out above.

13/1/24 It is.

15/1/24 The offending is very great.

19/1/24 I would guess a police unit and hundreds of mobilised people, because the health level might improve a bit.

21/1/24 You could remove them from next door. Even if satan ascends or something, you know, the planet is already suffering, it won't be very good for most people.

23/1/24 I went into Curry's to buy a new Washing Machine. The attendent said no. I said 'No, I would like to buy the washing machine. 'No!'. I had to insist. I went into Argos to buy a fridge or something and the attendent rang somebody up to check if it was OK. I had to stand and wait, she finally replied, 'yes, that is just about OK'.

24/1/24 The Indian man loitering is unacceptable.

2/2/24 Royals and terrorists, Chinese and Germans.


10/2/24 Super flip.

12/2/24 You say it might put people in danger, but their practices are evil. The HR institutes are supposed to protect people from it.

16/2/24 We are but we're not. Having cancer might bring us closer.

19/2/24 5 degrees above average.

20/2/24 We have the idea of too much killing. Unfortunately, we are also profane.

22/2/24 Futures.

22/2/24 Satanic has been complained about. Everything against. The local gov. supports the satanic community.

28/2/24 Jesus Christ you're not welcome. It's just if there is a god and youre using the absolute worst arguments.

1/3/24 Bitcoin.

2/3/24 Huge resources go into psychology and the abuse of people.

5/3/24 Would asylum not be more civilised.

10/3/24 People have to cough up. So the diabolical plan is clear.

23/3/24 Noise abuse here.

24/3/24 I don't think that's the smokescreen.

27/3/24 Shrill.

29/3/24 Strange to have such protocols with this gratuitous programme.

6/4/24 The incensed man has returned.

6/5/24 Billion Dollar Brain?

18/5/24 Huge thump.

23/5/24 World record negative.

5/6/24 There are reasons for that.

9/6/24 Of course, you know when to stop.

22/6/24 Stealth to urinating. It would worry some people.

23/6/24 Not my decision.

2/7/24 Does Mr. Trump need to be emboldened?

11/7/24 Maybe trying to measure-up too much evil.



18/7/24 Not decent. Just an idea god has remit from it. Especially with the terminology and everything.

23/7/24 Not a good thing to vote for.

25/7/24 Can some action be taken against them?

28/7/24 Should lead to destruction.

9/8/24 Even Utah has a devil - from the film 'Devil'?

10/8/24 You could maybe insist that one of the complaints is accepted. Or I understand that an authority can also file a complaint?

19/8/24 We don't like you.

17/9/24 Probaby being paid.

21/9/24 Maybe for information.

26/9/24 Maybe the journalist is unhappy.

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